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Martin Ramsay didn't start out being an author. He is a consultant who took up writing as a way to occupy himself during long international flights. "I found I loved writing, so I kept doing it," he says.

Martin says he has two purposes when he writes. "First, I want to entertain. I want to write books that I would like to read. I want interesting characters, realistic settings, and, frankly, I want a happy ending. But second, I want to inform. My novel, The Possum Principles, is about technology. I was doing a project in Sweden when I started working on the book, flying back and forth across the Atlantic. It occurred to me that everyone, no matter how much they claim to be technologically challenged, can understand the basics of information technology. I wanted to write a book in which the reader discovers, along with the main character, those basic principles."

Martin's settings, whether in a factory in central Kentucky or a hotel in Trollhättan, Sweden, are based on real world experiences. "I've lived in central Kentucky almost all of my life," he says. "This area is home. I know the people, how they talk, what they value. I find it is easy to write about things I know and love." Martin has clients on four continents and in 13 different countries. "I've seen a thing or two," he says. "I hope to incorporate some of those experiences into future novels."

Martin's career as the Managing Director of CEATH Company has been recognized. He was featured in Fortune as "an expert on the organizational impact of new information systems" who impresses his clients with his "preparedness and clarity." The Center For Digital Education gave him their "In the Spotlight" Award, calling him one of the "most innovative, hard-working, trend-setting IT (information technology) leaders in the nation." In 2008, his Learning Asset Management Project (LAMP) won the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Award for Technology Collaboration.

Martin and his wife, "the fabulous redhead", have been married over 40 years. They have four sons, three daughters-in-law, twelve grandchildren and a herd of goats.

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